
This blog is a random concoction and blend of my thoughts, interests, and daily observations. Currently, I am a lover of tea, indoor house plants, trying new foods, and learning about different cultures. I work for the public schools and despite all the downsides that most of us are aware of, it is a job that I am grateful for and feel proud to show up at everyday. Some thoughts here will reflect my experiences at work.

Favorites and Lists

Favorite Blogs
The Every Girl
Hannah Gale
Apartment Therapy
Penny Pincher Fashion
Notes from the School Psychologist

Favorite Recipes
Moroccan Spring Rolls (Briouats)
Leek Quiche
Shakshuka (Poached eggs in tomato sauce)

2018 Goals/Yearly Bucket List

My 2018 list includes an extension of those goals which I did not fully achieve during the previous year and want to refocus and attempt again. It also includes fresh thoughts and goals to re-energize and encourage a growth mindset for this year.

Learn Arabic: basic vocabulary and phrases
Work on a daily/weekly journal
Update the blog at least 2x per month
Try out new exercises and studios
Explore new yoga videos and experiences
Work on weekly meal planning
Read a minimum of one book per month
Reduce spending on material items and choose secondhand when possible
Make a trip to Europe or Central/South America
Check in with overseas family members once a week
Practice saying no and do not engage in things that do not add value to life. Make a conscious decision when saying yes to put forth an open mind to learn and enjoy.
Do a weekly speed clean of the apartment (set 20 minute timer)

2017 Goals/Yearly Bucket List

Move into an elevator building
Visit family in Taiwan
Visit family in Toronto
Annual seasonal Michigan road trip for wineries and apple picking
Learn Arabic: basic vocabulary and phrases
Keep my houseplants alive >> ongoing process
Read at least one travel book
Read at least one financial planning book
Write/journal more often
Choose walking over bus/train whenever time permits
Cook one new dish from scratch at least once every month