Updated 2017
Why am I here?
The plain and simple reason I started this blog in 2011 was to organize my thoughts and capture some of the moments of a transitionary period in my life between undergrad and graduate school, where my time was highly flexible and I aimed to make many new discoveries (even little ones) during that period of limbo. I then took a long break from blogging when school and work-related responsibilities took a central role again in late 2012. It is several years later now that I have decided to return to this blog and create new posts for the pleasure of writing, journaling, creating, and sharing. This is a space for me to release my (random and varied) thoughts, interests, and document everyday life. Some thoughts may pertain to my job and some will be purely lifestyle/hobbies!
Who am I?
For the past few years, I have been a practicing school psychologist and it is one of the most exciting accomplishments of my life for which I am proud and grateful every single day. I cannot imagine another profession for myself that could so deeply humble and enlighten me in so many ways.
My family immigrated to Canada when I was very young and invested a great deal in my own education. Despite being an extremely shy child, school was one of my favorite places to be and where I met the people that are still my closest friends today. It is such a remarkable experience now to be back working in schools with students, families, and staff members from all walks of life who teach me something new everyday!