
This blog is a random concoction and blend of my thoughts, interests, and daily observations. Currently, I am a lover of tea, indoor house plants, trying new foods, and learning about different cultures. I work for the public schools and despite all the downsides that most of us are aware of, it is a job that I am grateful for and feel proud to show up at everyday. Some thoughts here will reflect my experiences at work.

"Optimism is a strategy for a better future."

"Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, it’s unlikely you will step up and take responsibility for making it so." Noam Chomsky
It's easy to become discouraged when there are momentous tasks or decisions to be made. It can become overwhelming or tedious and we put it off while feeling unsettled in the back of our minds. I say "we" but I guess I can only speak for myself. With a slew of graduate school applications to submit and a tight deadline I am determined to follow, I have to remind myself not to think in the "...if this doesn't work out" mindset. Of-course, it doesn't hurt and obviously it's highly advisable to have a plan B, but it's still best to center your plans and beliefs around the success of plan A. Because that confidence will give you motivation and extra edge - which could make the difference in whether or not you achieve your original goal. If you believe that you can do it, you are more likely to take the actions necessary to get you there. That's why I've been reading and re-reading the above quote frequently for the past couple weeks.