
This blog is a random concoction and blend of my thoughts, interests, and daily observations. Currently, I am a lover of tea, indoor house plants, trying new foods, and learning about different cultures. I work for the public schools and despite all the downsides that most of us are aware of, it is a job that I am grateful for and feel proud to show up at everyday. Some thoughts here will reflect my experiences at work.

Travel Preparation & Packing List

Since I will be a first-timer in Europe and Africa, I am almost toppling over with excitement plus a major dose of the jitters. Anyways, these were my recently accomplished tasks on what had to be done AFTER flights, accommodation, program arrangements are already settled. I guess I will share it in the form of tips and suggestions for anyone interested.

To start off, I would recommend taking these precautions to cover your bases when unpredictable events take place on your wonderful voyage abroad.

1. Get travel medical insurance. Shop around http://www.squaremouth.com/ for comparisons on travel insurance plans and don't forget to check with your credit card company on what they offer. I decided to skimp on extras and just go for the essential emergency medical coverage, medical evacuation, and 24 hour assistance line. I don't care much for insuring my baggage of toiletries, underwear, and extra clothing. Bring absolute necessities in a carry-on bag and don't let it leave your sight.

2. See your doctor or visit a travel clinic for appropriate consultation and vaccinations. This is especially important if you will be in rural areas of developing countries or spending a ton of time outdoors.

3. Register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. Register your contact information and trip plans so that your government/embassy can assist you in the event of an emergency.

4. Make photocopies of your passport and store it separately from your essential documents. Make a memo of emergency contacts, bank customer service numbers, etc.

Packing List!
Hand Luggage aka basic JanSport backpack:
(Always carry a change of clothes because you never know when your checked baggage will randomly get lost and depart on its own journey around the world without you.)
- 2 long-sleeved shirts
- 1 pair cropped trousers and 1 pair leggings
- 1 pair underwear and 1 tank top
- 1 book - In Arabian Nights: A Caravan of Moroccan Dreams by Tahir Shah
- mini travel-sized toiletries kit consisting of shower/hair products
- over the counter medications
- cell phone/camera charger and power/outlet converter
- combination locks
Mini purse (packed into the backpack):
- passport, cards, keys
- printouts of e-tickets
- memo of important phone numbers & addresses
- concealer, eyeliner, lip stain
- cell phone
Checked Luggage (mid-sized expandable suitcase):
(Keep liquids in zip-locked bags or waterproof pouches incase anything leaks or bursts. If you're as neurotic as I am, you'll double-bag any liquid bottles.)
- sleeping bag/blanket
- towel
- 1 pair jeans, 2 pairs trousers, 1 pair shorts
- 2 cardigans, 1 blazer
- 3 tank tops, 3 shirts, 1 sheer blouse for dressier occasions or a night out
- 1 long dress
- underwear, socks
- flip flops, flats
- hat with wide brim
- extra toiletries
- insect repellent
- extra re-usable bags to store dirty laundry or carry newly accumulated souvenirs
- hairdryer, hair straightener