
This blog is a random concoction and blend of my thoughts, interests, and daily observations. Currently, I am a lover of tea, indoor house plants, trying new foods, and learning about different cultures. I work for the public schools and despite all the downsides that most of us are aware of, it is a job that I am grateful for and feel proud to show up at everyday. Some thoughts here will reflect my experiences at work.

Return to Blogging

I cannot pinpoint exactly what inspired me to return to writing on my blog today after a break (or abandonment) of several years. However, there are definitely some changes that I am feeling excited about! I have started fresh in a few new schools at work and am eager to meet students on my caseload, get to know them, learn their stories, and share experiences with them.

I spent some time tonight re-reading translated poetry by Hafiz, a Persian lyric poet who is just magical with his words and always has a special message to convey. The translator who does this amazing work is Daniel Ladinsky. These are a couple of my favorites:

"I caught the happy virus last night
When I was singing beneath the stars.
It is remarkably contagious -
So kiss me."
"Ever since happiness
heard your name,
it has been running
through the streets
trying to find you."